Heritage Projects
R-Space seeks to illuminate the past by exploring local heritage through the lens of contemporary arts practices. We identify important cultural and industrial histories that have relevance to our locality, then commission artists and makers to explore these histories’ regional and international significance.
Linen Biennale Northern Ireland.
Every two years R-Space Gallery, Lisburn leads on a three-month festival of arts, craft and design, including exhibitions and installations, conference, master-classes, and performances under the key themes of Recall, Rethink and Reform.The Linen Biennale stimulates new thinking about Ireland’s oldest textile products: flax and linen.
Re:New Wallace
Celebrating the historical links between Lisburn and Richard Wallace, this annual initiative facilitates artistic responses to the Wallace Collection, London, leading to new, signature works which are then exhibited at R-Space Gallery.
The Linen Rooms
R-Space Gallery is located in The Linen Rooms, Lisburn. This Georgian building, once a rectory for Christ Church Cathedral, has a rich history that R-Space Gallery mines for inspiration to initiate contemporary arts and craft projects. Peter Morgan Barnes has written about the building’s history within the context of wider social events.