From the Field
Anna Dumitriu: 1 August - 7 September 2018
Anna Dumitriu, an internationally recognised BioArtist, presents a new solo exhibition comprising existing and new artworks inspired by the biology, history and mythology of linen. Linen is the original biotextile and it is produced through the interaction of plants, bacteria and humans. As such, it has been used frequently in Dumitriu’s work as a metaphor for the impact of microbiology on our human lives and environment. Works incorporate a range of media including textiles, (sterilised) bacteria and DNA, embroidery, wood, flax, ceramic, resin, and human hair, and take the form of sculptural works and installations.
The title references the name of the bacterium responsible for the retting of flax in linen production and the process of ‘field work’ in science, whilst playing with the notion of a ‘field’ as a disciplinary boundary which Dumitriu constantly transgresses moving seamlessly between fine art, biology and craft.